Agricultural civil law
Agricultural civil law The Firm guarantees advice and judicial assistance in the field of agricultural law, with particular attention to cases specific of the matter, such as the sale of farms and farmhouses, the sale and rental of agricultural land and rustic funds and events related to family businesses and cooperatives operating in the [...]
Civil Litigation
Civil litigation The Firm's Professionals deal with civil disputes with competence and precision, even before the High Courts, in all areas of personal and business law, guaranteeing maximum attention with respect to the technical-legal aspects and customer needs; the Firm has various branches and operates throughout the Italian territory through a network of correspondents [...]
Administrative and Tax Litigation
Administrative and tax litigation The Firm carries out a careful and qualified activity in administrative and tax litigation, guaranteeing the Customer the best assistance before the administrative and accounting jurisdictions of all levels. In particular, the Firm has followed and follows complex disputes regarding, on the one hand, public procedures, energy, construction and urban [...]
Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Arbitration and ADR The Firm has gained in-depth knowledge of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures, in their various forms: arbitration, mediation, assisted negotiation, administrative conciliation before the Conciliation Commission of the Territorial Labor Inspectorate (ex DTL) and union conciliation. The customer is accompanied on the path most suited to his needs and followed [...]
National and International Agreements
National and International Agreements The professionals of the Firm are able to direct the Customer towards the most appropriate contractual form for his needs and to prepare the agreements, typical or atypical, of national or international mold (and also the English language), in all fields of law civil and, in particular, in the commercial, [...]
M&A and Due Diligence
M&A and due diligence The Firm offers a wide range of consultancy services in the corporate sector, with specific experience in mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring, through the drafting of all the necessary documentation (including structuring of joint ventures, shareholders' agreements and investment agreements). In this sector, the carrying out of due diligences is [...]
Business Start-up Process
Business Start-up Process A startup that wants to have success on the market and to avoid the many pitfalls of the business sector cannot proceed without careful advice from expert and up-to-date law professionals. Studio Tasca is able to provide all-round legal assistance, which ranges from the choice of the governance model, to the [...]
Pharmaceutical Regulatory
Pharmaceutical Regulatory The Firm provides advice and assistance in the pharmaceutical and medical devices sector, in relation to cases such as marketing authorizations (national and European), generic drugs, clinical trials and observational studies.
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