

PHILANTHROPY 2020-02-23T09:28:13+02:00


The firm is engaged, through its services and concrete professional collaboration, in supporting and promoting the development of scientific research projects. These are essentially related to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases known as “orphan diseases”, wish special focus on disorders that may be curable through innovative bio-engineering methods or the use of stem cells. The Firm is involved in multicentric clinical trial processes, providing advice on the complex regulatory framework, and liaising with the regulatory authorities and ministries overseeing the authorisation process. The projects in which the Firm is involved include, but are not limited to:

Revert was the first non-for-profit organization in the world to promote brain stem cell transplants in humans, through a clinical trial currently in Phase II, for patients affected by ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Revert was the first organisation of its kind approved by the Higher Institute of Health and the Italian Medicines Agency, registered by the European Medicines Authority (EMA) and entered into the database of the National Institute of Health (NIH) by the Food and Drug Administration (USA). At the moment, the research conducted by Revert is one of the most advanced across the international scientific landscape. The ALS Clinical Trial was followed by a new Trial on MS (Multiple Sclerosis), currently in Phase I, also approved by AIFA and the Higher Institute of Health.

Is a biotech company the Firm supports on a pro bono basis, with the objective of guiding the company to the treatment of orphan diseases and incurable cases. Nanomed designs functionalized nanostructures, known as Nanotutor functionalised self-assembling peptides, with the aim of attaining their clinical application. They are used in research for future therapies, based on the regeneration of tissues and biologically integrated organ parts, treated in combination with stem cells. Among the projects promoting the regeneration of damaged tissues, those aimed at treating complex injuries, such as injuries to the spinal cord or produced by the effects of neurodegenerative diseases, and those connected to skeletal replacement procedures and generally to the reproduction of biological parts through the help of cellular therapies stand out as having critical scientific relevance.


The Firm periodically selects and handles deserving cases on a pro bono basis, providing assistance to individuals or families who, due to financial difficulties, incapacity, or other precarious circumstances, would otherwise be prevented from accessing legal aid. Our assistance is primarily focused on cases dealing with the right to health, damages to social life and existential damages, and other fundamental human rights. We have devoted much of our attention to cases involving patients suffering from serious diseases lacking specific therapies, who relied on the hope to access stem cell transplant treatment.

2016 – Assistance to a young patient, suffering from neurocognitive development delay and recurrent seizures, diagnosed with an orphan neurodegenerative disease, and namely Polymicrogyria. The Judge supervising the patient’s guardianship granted authorisation to lodge an application with the competent venues to allow the child to receive the needed treatment. Subsequently, an appeal pursuant to Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure was lodged with and granted by the Court of Perugia, which issued a Court order allowing brain stem cells to be exported to a different EU Country in order to carry out the infusion through the intramedullary canal.

2017 – Assistance to a young patient affected by spastic tetraparesis: the Judge supervising the guardianship granted authorisation to administer the therapy, obtaining also the consensus of the Ethics Committee. The patient had been diagnosed with hypoxic encephalopathy at birth, with secondary respiratory and mild kidney failure. Given the lack of specific therapies, the child’s parents had decided to consider stem cell therapy.

2018 – Legal assistance to an indigent person, sentenced to prison for failing to provide maintenance payments to his ex-wife. We obtained the suspension of the sentence, and the accused was recognised to be 100% disabled, where his physical conditions made him unfit for detention.



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